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AEP Bergmann Bayard Survey

Thank you for contributing to our Bergmann Bayard survey. This survey is only for Belgian made guns.  Please email us your responses to

#1 SERIAL NUMBER: What is the serial number, located on the frame forward of the mag well?


#2 MODEL:  Do you have a Model 1908 or 1910 or Danish marked 1910/21?   The 1908 does not have a frame with finger openings (seen left below). The Model 1910 has a rounded opening for magazine removal as seen below right. Please specify if yours is 1910/21 marked.

#3 CONTRACT: Do you have a commercial, Spanish or Danish contract gun? If a contract please report contract number.


#4 MAGAZINE NUMBER:  What is your magazine number if any?


#5 MAGAZINE TYPE: (as seen from left to right)

a) Flat with guides

b) Flat

c) Circular finger grooves with center hole

d) Circular finger grooves (no hole): This is the most common variant

#6 SLIDE DETAILS: (see photo below for details)

a) Does your slide have a guide rivet? If it does is it blued or in-the-white?

b) Is your locking block blued or in-the-white?

c) Is there a reference mark engraved on your locking block (as seen)?

d) Is your rear sight blued or in-the-white? 


#7 FRAME DETAILS: Is your frame slotted for a shoulder-stock?


#8 FRAME DETAILS: If you have a Model 1908, does it have the horse & rider Bayard logo roll engraved on the magazine well?


#9 GRIPS: What type of grips do you have?

a) standard factory wooden grips (seen below)

b) Spanish contract: Black/brown synthetic grips without Bayard logo

c) Black synthetic grips with Bayard horse and rider logo

d) Danish contract: Black synthetic oversized Trolite replacement grips

e) Danish contract: Wooden oversized smooth replacement grips

f) Danish contract: Wooden oversized replacement grips with two checkered circles



#10 Special comments or features?  Please specify...

Thank you for contributing to our Bergmann Bayard survey. This survey is only for Belgian made guns.  Please email us your responses to

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